“The Liberty Incident Revealed”-Published by USNI Press-Revealed

In his screed about the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, “The Liberty Incident Revealed,” Capt. Jay Cristol paints a picture of an attack different from one that USS Liberty survivors lived through. Despite being highly touted by the US Naval Institute Press, the book doesn’t live up to the hype. It’s …

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The USS Liberty Document Archive Is Now Up and Running

The USS Liberty Document Archive Is Now Up and Running. For over 50 years, anyone researching the USS Liberty attack and continuing cover-up of that attack was confronted with one question: Do I have all of the available documents needed to produce a complete, documented account of the attack?  With the creation of our USS …

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RIP Robert Lee Wilson, USS Liberty Survivor

RIP Robert Lee Wilson, USS Liberty Survivor Robert Lee Wilson, 78, a resident of Edgewater for over 20 years and previously of Severna Park, MD, passed away on August 2, 2021 at the South River Health and Rehabilitation Center from complications of pneumonia and ongoing health and back-related maladies that ultimately took his life. Born …

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Help Wanted: USS Liberty Whistleblower

Help Wanted: USS Liberty Whistleblower In 1979 with the publication of Assault on the Liberty, Jim Ennes became the first USS Liberty whistleblower.  In 1982 the survivors of the USS Liberty became whistleblowers followed closely by many high-ranking US Navy officers. Now it’s your turn. by Joe Meadors We’re looking for a Whistleblower who can …

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54 Years After the Attack Congress Continues to Lie to Their Constituents

It’s been over 54 years since the attack. In the intervening years the US government hasn’t bothered to investigate the attack on our ship. Despite this verifiable fact, Members of Congress have lied to their constituents about the USS Liberty Attack by claiming that numerous investigations of the attack have been conducted by the US …

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Highly Praised US Navy Historian Ignores 50+ Years of USS Liberty History

Highly Praised US Navy Historian Ignores 50+ Years of USS Liberty History The US Naval Institute Press heaps praise on Naval Historian Robert J. Cressman: “Naval historian Robert J. Cressman lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. His The Official Chronology of the United States Navy in World War II received a John Lyman Book Award (1999) and his …

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USS Liberty Veterans Association BANNED FOREVER From the American Legion National Convention

USS Liberty Veterans Association BANNED FOREVER From the American Legion National Convention An American Legion membership card fluttering down and landing softly on the blouse of an American Legion clerk results in the USS Liberty Veterans Association being BANNED from The American Legion National Convention FOREVER. by Joe Meadors “You will not discuss the attack …

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Help Wanted: USS Liberty FOIA Attorney

Help Wanted: USS Liberty FOIA Attorney The National Security Agency has a habit of claiming they have posted all USS Liberty related documents in their files on their webpage, waiting a few years and posting more USS Liberty related documents on their website and claim they have posted all USS Liberty related information in their …

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Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Israel Partisan

Israel Partisans: Your Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds. It’s YOUR Fault The Attack on the USS Liberty is Still Available for Public Discussion. Not Ours! Take Responsibility For Your Actions. Stop Blaming Us. by Joe Meadors Our ship was attacked on June 8, 1967 — Days Ago! For every one of those days we have been …

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